Sound for the Future
Jean created collages for animation for ‘Sound For the Future’ an affectionate, daring and hilarious reconstruction of the story of The Hippies, Britain’s youngest post-punk band, as told by the band’s drummer, filmmaker Matt Hulse.
Jean responded in collage to songs on a cassette album recorded by The Hippies which were then animated by the film’s editor Nick Currey.
The film, Hulse’s third feature, premiered online in 2020 at the London Film Festival had its first UK tour in late 2022.
Jean created collages for animation for ‘Sound For the Future’ an affectionate, daring and hilarious reconstruction of the story of The Hippies, Britain’s youngest post-punk band, as told by the band’s drummer, filmmaker Matt Hulse.
Jean responded in collage to songs on a cassette album recorded by The Hippies which were then animated by the film’s editor Nick Currey.
The film, Hulse’s third feature, premiered online in 2020 at the London Film Festival had its first UK tour in late 2022.