Blank Project 2
Blank Project
Living Library
Living Library – University of Bradford
Jean took part as a ‘living book’ at a Living Library event at the University of Bradford organised by students from the University’s Peace Society on the theme of ‘Peace Initiatives’ in April 2019.
She shared her experiences with ‘borrowers’ of setting up and running Wur Bradford grassroots arts project which explores how creativity can connect and empower us to make positive social change.
Glug Bradford
Glug Bradford
Jean along with artist colleague Chemaine Cooke from Wur Bradford Wur Bradford will be sharing their experiences of working with people and places in the city, presenting some provocations on the idea of ‘Placemaking’, and facilitating manifesto making at the second Glug Bradford creative conversation event on May 1st, taking place at Lister Mill.
For more information about Glug Bradford and to find out further information about the event, visit:
Twitter: @GlugBradford
Instagram: @GlugBradford
Facebook: @Glughq