Changing Realities

​Changing Realities

Changing Realities cover image

Jean has been working with participatory research project Changing Realities (previously Covid Realities) to support zine making since 2021.

Covid Realities was a national research project working alongside parents and carers to share experiences of life on a low-income during Covid-19, developing ideas together for what needs to change and why.
Changing Realities is a collaboration between parents and carers, researchers at the University of York, and Child Poverty Action Group, coming together to share experiences of life on a low-income in the UK and to make change happen.

Zine making has been a space to creatively explore lived experiences, and to communicate what needs to change and why.
Jean has worked with participants, research team and close colleagues to collectively make the following zines shown below.

It’s Our Story: Families’ Lived experience during the Pandemic

Its Our Story zine cover

A collective zine made by participants in Covid Realities, exploring challenges and stresses of living through the pandemic as well as what needs to change and why.

Read the zine online here.

Reflections on our Participatory Research

Reflections Zine Print Front Cover
A collective zine made with participants, researchers and close colleagues about the approaches of working together on Covid Realities. The zine was made online together as a creative way of reflecting on our experiences.
Read the zine online here.

‘Doing It Together: An (un) guide to making zines with people’

Doing It Together Unguide zine cover

This shares our learnings about using zine-making as part of the Covid Realities research. It includes reflections and insights from participants and researchers from the project as other zine makers who we have learned from.
Read the zine online here.

Read a blog post from Jean about her experiences of making the zines with Covid Realities here

Music Creativity & Wellbeing

Music, Creativity & Wellbeing

Music Creativity and Wellbeing

Jean is working with Music, Creativity and Wellbeing a research project led by Dr Una MacGlone investigating mental health impacts of community music participation for children and young people.
Jean has been working with Una MacGlone since 2016, devising instant graphic score packs comprised of collage elements ( e.g paper, tissue, images cut from magazines, plastic, painted card, sections of text). These scores have been used with a range of groups as an improvisational tool to create musical scores.

For Music Creativity and Wellbeing, Jean is working in collaboration with Una to further develop this work and to design and investigate instant graphic scores to be used by children and young people with additional support needs (ASN) in creative music workshops.
These materials were tested out in community setting in 2022 and will be piloted in school settings in 2023.

Find out more:

Read ‘Visual strategies for sound: the key to graphic scores’ an article by Una published in The Wire featuring Jean’s graphic scores.